Hilfe für Myanmar
Neben der ideellen Unterstützung, indem wir nicht wegschauen und das Thema in unserem persönlichen Umfeld verbreiten und diskutieren, können wir den Menschen in Myanmar natürlich am besten und sinnvollsten helfen, indem wir sie finanziell durch Spenden unterstützen und damit die Armut und Not lindern - insbesondere bei denen, die von der terroristischen Junta und ihren Helfern bedroht und verfolgt werden.
Neben den unterdrückten unabhängigen Presseorganen, deren Mitarbeiter häufig unter Gefahr für Leib und Leben aus erster Hand berichten, gibt es eine Anzahl von Institutionen und Personen, die schon seit längerer Zeit helfend in Myanmar tätig sind und daher erwarten lassen, dass das gespendete Geld an den richtigen Stellen ankommt.
Die folgende Übersicht ist unvollständig, aber ich habe sie nach bestem Wissen zusammengestellt. Bitte schauen Sie selbst auf den genannten Homepages nach, ob die Organisation Ihnen zusagt und Ihnen vertrauenswürdig erscheint.
"As the new military regime arrests and threatens journalists, independent media in Myanmar has never been more important. Our reporters are taking enormous risks to cover the upheaval that has followed the February 1 coup. The future is extremely uncertain, but MYANMAR NOW is committed to continuing its independent reporting. To do so we need your help. Contributions from readers like you allow us to operate, and ensure we have the resources to do so as safely as possible. We’re a small organisation, so your contribution will really make a difference. You’ll be directly funding stories and paying our reporters’ salaries so we can continue our vital work. Monthly recurring donations are especially appreciated."
Our country is facing extraordinary times.
Information, analysis and truth are precious commodities. With Myanmar and the region facing uncertainty and instability, editorial independence has never been more important. Today, we face the
grave challenges of protecting and promoting democracy and press freedom. At The Irrawaddy, our aim is to provide you all with relevant facts and informed comment; the disruptions we currently
face only make us more determined to continue our efforts. Readers at home and abroad need verified and credible information, news and analysis from inside Myanmar, where democratic forces are at
work. We count on your invaluable support to help us provide quality and impactful journalism every day. We humbly thank you for all the support you have given us and continue to extend to
us now.
SONNE stands for “Support Organization for Non-formal Needed Education” and focuses on education, health and support programmes. The principle from the beginning has been to provide a secure and promising life through accessible education and healthcare to vulnerable and marginalized children and youth in Myanmar. The organization’s understanding of development assistance includes: inclusivity, respect, transparency and dialogue. The work is carried out with local people (village associations) and puts huge emphasis on a community building approach.
Aside from our core team at the Yangon office, the social workers, teachers, cooks, and trainers are all an essential part of the “SONNE family” in Myanmar. We all share the same vision of helping disadvantaged children and youth to a better life, one of possibility, opportunity and education. They are all daily proof that, regardless of role, responsibility, position, social status, rich or poor, above everything, all it takes is a big heart to knuckle down and get the job done.
With the military takeover many banks and ATMs are closed and international transfers are not going through. This has made it very difficult for many nonprofits to effectively transfer funds as they would in normal situations. Thankfully, through local networks we have another method to ensure the funds reach their intended target, bypassing the banking system.
Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der in Myanmar (Burma) die Ausbildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen fördert. Hierbei lassen wir uns leiten von den Grundsätzen Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe und Learning by Doing: Hilfe nur wirksam, wenn sie den Menschen die Chance eröffnet, ihr Leben frei von Hunger und Not selbst zu gestalten.
Wir sind ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der sich in Deutschland mit ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern, Spendern und Unterstützern der Aufgabe angenommen hat, die schwächsten Menschen in Myanmar zu unterstützen, die durch Katastrophen oder strukturelle Armut in Not geraten sind.
Burma Humanitarian Mission seeks a healthy and vibrant Burma where the human rights of all people are protected and empowers people from around the world to exercise their health to support and advocate on behalf of the people of Burma.
BHM supports community-based backpack medics who administer village healthcare services in Burma, grass-roots education projects that empower the youth of Burma and projects that promote cross-cultural sharing and collaboration for refugees from Burma living in the U.S.
Mit Blick auf die aktuelle Lage und die vorliegenden Informationen tritt der Verein ein für:
All donations contribute to make Burmese people happy.
But YOUR donation will definitely make YOU happy!